About Tiny Cuisine...

My name is Holly and I am a part time data analyst, full time momma and head chef to a tiny tot. I created this website for parents of babies in need of a high calorie diet, been diagnosed as failure to thrive or just have a picky eater on their hands. My son was born prematurely at 27 weeks gestation, weighing in at 1 lb 13 oz and my husband and I were thrown into a world of worrying about weight gain, reflux, oral aversions and intestinal surgery among all the other issues parents of preemies get all too familiar with. After struggling with gaining weight on special formula, calorie boosters, medication and thickeners my son finally reached the point where he could start solid foods and I found my way to help him get the maximum calories while using nutritious and natural foods.

My goal is to find a balance between high calorie and setting my son up for healthy eating habits for life. Which can be a challenge. I try to make him the healthiest, in season and most nutrient rich foods as possible, but sometimes a little bit of chocolate is what gets my son to eat a peanut butter banana sandwich on whole wheat bread. We have been fortunate that our son does not have any food allergies, but if your child does you can substitute the milk in the recipes for you child's usual milk - breast milk or formula if your baby is under a year, soy or coconut milk for the dairy (I have tried rice milk in some, because it is so thin it doesn't work that well). The way I cook for my child may not work for everyone, but it has worked great for us. Hopefully you will find some good recipes and tips that will work for you, too.

I encourage you to leave comments on how the recipes worked out, substitution ideas and other tips or recipes that have worked for your kids! Thanks for stopping by!