August 20, 2010

Little A's Favorite Oatmeal

A couple years ago we planted a peach tree, not really expecting that it was going to produce anything - I don't exactly have a green thumb. A few years went by with nothing and then - bam! This year...peaches, peaches, peaches! The only problem is that 40 peaches all got ripe at the same time. So I made some peach pies, and then decided to stock the freezer with little A's favorite breakfast - peach oatmeal. 

This is recipe with tons of variation possibilities - the batch featured here is made with 3 large peaches and 3 apricots. I have used blueberries, plums, pears, raspberries and a combination of fruits. This recipe will grow with your child - puree it totally smooth when they are little and gradually make it chunkier until you don't need to puree it any longer.

I add ground flax seeds to his oatmeal because they are full of omega 3s and fiber (they are also supposed to help with constipation). and add a little nutty texture.

2 cups of peeled cut up fruit or berries
3 tbls. unsalted butter, cut into pieces
2 tbls. brown sugar - you can use maple syrup or honey instead if you don't want to use sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. old fashioned rolled oats (not instant)
1 c. water
1 c. whole milk
2 tbls. ground flax seeds
1 large cup of hot coffee, with cream and sugar or plain - it's up to you!

Coffee? In a baby food recipe? Yep, that is for is morning, and since you have a little one I am guessing you need it as much as I do! OK, now for the recipe, preheat your broiler. Put fruit in a shallow glass baking dish and dot the top with butter. Sprinkle the top with the brown sugar and cinnamon. Place about 6 inches from the broiler and bake for 5 minutes or until the top just starts to brown.

Meanwhile, bring the water and milk to a boil in a large saucepan over medium high heat. Add the oatmeal and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. 

Add the fruit mixture to the oatmeal and stir to combine, let them cook together for 2-3 minutes.

Add the flax and transfer to a food processor and puree to desired consistency - smooth for smaller babies and a little chunky for toddlers.

Spoon the left overs into ice cube trays and freeze. Another good thing about this recipe is that you can add cream to make it higher calorie and make it a little runnier or you can add in baby oatmeal cereal to make it a little thicker - or do both just to add the extra calories.

To make this lower calorie reduce butter to 1 tbls and omit the sugar or use one of the alternatives above. Use 2 cups of water and omit the milk or use low-fat milk.

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