September 6, 2010

RazzMelon Puree

The whole time I was making this I could not get the Price song "Raspberry Beret" out of my head...only I was singing "RazzMelon Puree" instead. Yep, sometimes I entertain little A by singing horribly while I cook ;) Anyway,  I bought a melon at the farmers market, as kind of an afterthought on my way out. I was just planning on eating it myself but, later that day I was outside looking at the little raspberry bush that I planted in the beginning of the summer, and noticed it had a few berries on it.  So I decided to pair them with the melon and make it as a cool puree for little A. It turned out to be a really easy, sweet little summer puree.

1 small melon of your choice - cantaloupe, honeydew or whatever your favorite is
1 basket of raspberries

Cut the rind off the melon and scoop the seeds out. Cut into 1" chunks. Put into a food processor along with the raspberries and puree. No liquid is needed - the melon makes this a pretty thin puree. Little A likes this added to whole milk yogurt, it can be mixed with oatmeal or baby cereal also. I was a little concerned about how melon would freeze, but it actually turned out great.

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