September 2, 2010

Homemade Strawberry Milk

Makes a good afternoon snack :)
I have a picky drinker. He doesn't like juice or water. Just milk. I know he loves chocolate milk - but don't really want him to have too much of that. I have been wanting to try strawberry milk with him for a little while now but was having trouble finding whole strawberry milk (found lots of 2%). Plus, I am not really sure what is in store bought strawberry milk. So I was talking to my sister in law about it and she said "is there some way to make your own?". She is a genius.

So here it is, homemade strawberry milk! And it was EASY! And it tastes GOOD! And I know that he is getting REAL fruit in it! Imagine all the possibilities - raspberry milk, blackberry milk - maybe even vanilla peach milk...

1 small basket of strawberries, stems cut off, preferably a little overripe
2-3 tbls. vanilla flavored agave nectar
Your preference of milk

Puree the strawberries. Puree em' good, make sure that there are no chunks and that it is as liquid-y as possible (liquid-y is probably not a word, is it?). 

Then run it through a sieve into a small bowl, pushing it through gently with a spatula. When it is through the sieve, add in the agave nectar and put it back into the RINSED food processor. Puree again for a minute or two, just to get it smoother. 

Run the berry puree back through the RINSED sieve. There will still be some small seed parts in it, but it should look a little something like this...

Stir in a heaping tablespoon of the puree into 4 oz. of milk and stir well. If there are still too many seed parts for you taste, run the milk/puree mix through the sieve and serve. Yum! I froze the rest of the puree in an ice cube tray in single serving amounts (which was a little messy, since strawberry does not freeze that solid - it took a knife to get the cubes out). When you are ready to make another glass, just thaw the puree cube and stir it into milk. Makes about 10 4oz. glasses of milk. Tip: if you are putting it into a sippy cup or bottle, run it through a tea ball strainer to get out all the pulp/seeds.

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